Thursday 6 April 2017

Top 4 tips for great skin, from Melbourne Naturopathy clinic Narayani Wellness

Much like every other sign or symptoms we experience as humans, the visible health of the skin is a good indicator of health on the inside. In addition to a good external skin routine, luminous, healthy skin requires adequate nutrition, minimal toxicity in the body, a balanced immune system and a healthy gut. From the best naturopathic doctor Melbourne, here are our top tips for achieving beautiful skin:

1. Drink water
Your body uses water to detoxify through the kidneys as urine, the digestive track as a bowel motion and the skin as sweat. If any of these systems of detoxification are compromised, toxic compounds can build up and affect a number of systems in the body, which can then impact on the skin. The process of sweating is detoxifying in itself, as it washes old debris from hair follicles. Naturopath Melbourne at Narayani Wellness don't just recommend drinking more water, but also place importance on drinking pure water. Water that has been filtered or fresh spring water are best, consumed plain or as a warming herbal tea.

2. Stress less
If you know or have been told that you are a bit of a stress head, employing some techniques to manage your stress can do your skin wonders. The mechanisms in which stress can affect the skin are numerous, including disrupting the immune system (leading to skin issues such as eczema or psoriasis), upsetting hormonal balance (causing acne), accelerating the aging process and causing damage to every cell in the body through oxidative stress. Exercise and meditation are shown to be useful for stress management, however, the specific techniques and lifestyle changes that are necessary will be highly personalised. A natural wellness clinic can help you find the right methods for stress reduction.

3. Meet your skins nutritional needs
Some of the most important nutrients for the skin include zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, silica and essential fatty acids (i.e. omega 3 from seafood). All can be adequately acquired from a balanced diet of animal products and fresh fruit and vegetables. Zinc deficiency is common and can be assessed easily on blood test. Supplementation of any/all of these nutrients with a quality supplement that’s appropriately dosed by nutritional doctor Melbourne can offer benefit in those who suffer from specific skin ailments.

4. Heal your gut

As a gut health naturopathy Melbourne practice, we relate the state of skin to the health of the gut. It is perhaps the most important factor in most inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. The gut is intimately related to the immune system, so it makes sense to treat the gut if the goal is to calm the immune system. What could be affecting your gut health? There are many factors to consider, including the gut bugs, the diet, stress and digestive ability. Working with a health practitioner to identify where your gut issues stem from can help treat the underlying cause of your skin complaints. 

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